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The 3 Phases of a Website

There are three phases to the creation and development of a website.  We can help you with all three:

  1. Website Design
  2. Site Creation
  3. Search Engine Optimization

How many times have people asked “link me to your website?” Everybody’s got a website. Businesses use them to sell products. Individuals have their blogs. The quality of these sites and the purposes they serve, however, do vary.

One of the primary functions of any site should be to network. In the technology age, it is a simple fact that the internet is here, and it connects you to the world. A website lets people know you exist, lets them know what you’re about, and lets them know how to reach you.

I manage a staff who lives for the answers to that question. While some of us are overwhelmed by the internet, these guys see it as a fun playground. It is estimated that 78% of the current sites available are outdated, difficult to navigate, and unattractive. Some sites still have “virtual tours.” What? That is so 2002. We can tilt at windmills all day, but the web is here, it is now, and there is no reason why your site can’t be just as glamorous and up to date as anyone else’s.

In an era when there is a website for every individual and everything, WordPress Pros stands on the leading edge, keeping your site fresh and new.

Create your Professional Website